Michael Jordan would spit on food so others would not eat it

With The Last Dance wrapping up last night, we learned more about Michael Jordan. Director Jason Hehir, appearing on ESPN's wrap-up show with Jalen Rose and David Jacoby last night, revealed that MJ took extraordinary measures to ensure he didn't have to share any of his food.

"Earlier that night those guys all ate dinner and didn't wait for Michael when they ordered," Hehir relayed. "So it gets to be about 10-11 o'clock and Michael is starving and says 'I want a pizza.' When the pizza shows up, Michael says, 'everybody, do not touch this pizza, this is mine. You didn't wait for me, don't touch this.' So he spits on the pizza."

Desperate times call for desperate measures, right? Or not?

If you're thinking that this was probably only a one-time thing, a momentarily slip into insanity, well, think again. Apparently this, like a fadeaway jumper, is one of Jordan's go-to moves.

"It's not the only time, you can look up, that Michael would spit on food if he didn't want people to eat it," Hehir added.

Wright Thompson wrote for ESPN:

Back when they used to shoot a lot of commercials, Jordan's security team would wait for him in his trailer while he was on set. A woman named Linda cooked Michael's meals, and he loved cinnamon rolls. She'd bake a tray and bring it to him. When it came time to film, he'd see the guards eyeing the cinnamon rolls and he'd walk over and spit on each one, to make sure nobody took his food.

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