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Rodgers Begging the Jets For One More Year Shows How Far He's Fallen

Photo: Luke Hales

Jason Smith and Mike Harmon react to the New York Jets' decision to move on from quarterback Aaron Rodgers, along with the subsequent reports that on the way out, he begged them to give him at least one more season. To Jason, not even being wanted anymore by a bottom feeder team like the Jets really shows just how far Rodgers' career has fallen. To Mike, though, the fact that he wanted to stay with the Jets doesn't necessarily mean that's his only option -- he might actually just like it there.

Jason Smith: "He begged the Jets to stay... Just think about that. How far has your career fallen that you, Aaron Rodgers, are begging the New York Jets to stay with them?... And the Jets said no! When [even] the Jets tell you no, that's how you know it's time to be done."
Mike Harmon: "Well, he's talked about it being the best two years of his life... maybe beyond football it really has been! We've seen him going to Broadway, we've seen him ringing the bell at the stock exchange... Maybe for those two years, he really did find another level of peace and doesn't want it to end."

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